Monday, May 3, 2010

지리산국럽공원 (Jirisan National Park)

On Saturday, my friends Michael and Kenny and I went to 지리산국럽공원. Jirisan National Park was the first National Park ever in Korea, and is still one of the best. It is about 2 hours away by bus and pretty easy to get to.

We met at the bus terminal around 9, and took a bus to Gurye, the best gateway to the park. The bus terminal there was really sketchy. We didn't really know what to do, luckily our friends Drew and Kevin from Incheon went a few weeks ago and they helped us via text. We purchased a ticket to Jirisan, and the bus we boarded took us up very close to the top. The ride was quite long, about 40 minutes and the roads were so steep and curvy that Kenny and I got a little queazy, but Michael loved it.

We were dropped off at a lookout point where we began to hike. We really wanted to go on some trails, but for some reason, there weren't many there. We came across a path that was closed, probably due to poor trail/weather conditions. All three of us were game for jumping over it to make it to a peak we spotted. The trail was okay, but near the end, the trail stopped. We had to literally climb some big rocks to make it to the point. Kenny didn't come all the way up, but he took some pictures instead. Here's the rock:

Here was the view from the top of the rock. It's not green yet because of the cooler temperatures. I'm sure later in summer it'd be bright green.

After we had successfully blazed our own trail, we got back on the main road and walked up to the highest point in South Korea. The view was pretty impressive. Usually we can say whatever we like because nobody understands anyhow, but there just happened to be a group of 85 English speakers on an Adventure Korea tour. I'm sure they heard bits of our inappropriate conversation. Oh well. Anyway, this is what the view looked like:

Here's Michael, myself, and Kenny.

It was definitely a full day. We didn't really get the kind of hiking that we were looking for, mostly just trekking. However, we had great weather, and saw some great views. If you're interested in more pictures, find them here:!/album.php?id=59501140&aid=2230977&s=100&hash=d9bba7fd6adb49ae14493454e79a69d6

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