Tuesday, April 20, 2010

This week in school...

I'm teaching about Superheroes! I can basically teach about whatever I like, and when I got this idea online, I figured that would be fun. It also allows me to watch "Jack-Jack Attack" from "The Incredibles" 15 times this week. I'll probably be sick of it by Wednesday, but for now, it's still amusing. Plus, the kids love it.

At the end of the lesson, once I've introduced the various super powers and done some warm-up activities, the students get a chance to "create your own superhero." I have them select a cut-out piece of paper with a random animation superhero on it (nobody I recgonize) and afix it to their worksheet. With a partner, they need to write their names, choose a name for their superhero, and write about their superhero. Of course, they are all amusing, but here's my favorite one.

This was read to the class of advanced level 7th graders in my first period Monday morning. Both Mihey and I laughed so hard that we literally cried. Even the students could understand, so they were laughing along as well. This is exactly what was typed, with my notes/corrections in ().

"Alagalamu is bisexual (they meant that shes a boy and a girl). She can eat bugs and even eat human. He lives in Africa. She change into bus. He doesn't help people. Just eat people. But helps environment and animals. Bugs come out of her mouth and dancing with bugs before eat time. His weapon is dandrop (dandruff). She wash her hair once a year. His dandrop (dandruff) has poison. She loves animals and environment very much."

Here are some other great excerpts. First, my favorite names thus far (and will be edited at the end of the week):

Sexy woman
Chita Queen
A pimple princess
Monkey of Japanese

Here are some of their "descriptions" about their superheroes (to be added to later):

"She is very pretty but when you take off the mask she is very ugly"
"She likes magazines"
"He likes Girls Generation and children"
"She knows the map of the town well"
"His heart is half bad, half kind, kind is kill knife and enemy kill, brings peace"
"He wears skinny jeans"
"His hobby is fishing"
"...but she has weakness- it's handsome boys (man)"
"He is afraid of scissors... he is very poor barber"
"In fact, she is a transgender. Three years ago he was gay with his boyfriend but the couple broke two years ago. Japan have many strange person."
"His weapon is feet smell"
"He's very kind despite his scary appearance."
"He lacks intelligence"
"He's gay. He likes boys and men. He indifference to girls. He's very strange."
"... but he has a big weakness! He is Casanova! He has many girlfriends! He is a bad boy!"
"His favorite food is swans. So swans are endangered. He lives Jupiter, but he comes to Earth because Swans live only in Earth."
"She has many pimples. She weapon is pimple laser. This is very dirty and bad smell. So she hids her face. She lives in pimple world. She throw poop to the evil. She don't like boys because boys don't like her."
"He eats battery and engine oil."
"She is sexy. She is very many have boyfriends. She is love coach so she is very many have boyfriends...she has a hot belly."

I can't believe it's only Tuesday and I have three more days (9 classes) left of this!


  1. I declare that my favorite "Hero" is the Pimple Princess from Pimple World who throws shit on her evil enemies and is so badass that lazers shoot out her zits! Too bad that even in a world where everyone has pimples the boys still don't like her :(

  2. That's right up there with my favorites too!
