Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Smile ^^

My kids make me smile (most of the time). No other way to put it. It may be the funny things they say in class, the way they act, or maybe it's them just being stinkin' cute. Most things they do, make me happy.

During lunchtime, kids race into the EOZ room to play games. It makes me happy knowing that they are excited to see me and try speaking English. The little first graders get excited when they are the first ones to arrive. The other day they cheered, "Yay, we're the first ones here!" when they walked in. Here's some of them, playing one of their favorite board games:

During the 10 minute break time between classes, it's pure chaos. Kids running all over, pushing, shoving, etc. One of my favorite "break time" sights is seeing the kids running down the hallway, coming to a sliding stop in their slippery shoes, and almost tipping over while doing a full bow to greet me (stil sliding!). It's highly amusing, although I've yet to see any of the kids actually fall over. I'm just waiting for that day to come though.

Something else that's becoming a popular "break time" activity. The 2nd graders have recently discovered that their homeroom class is directly opposite mine(and up a floor). Because I don't teach them anymore, they're even more excited to see me than usual. They spend their entire 10 minute break times leaning out the open windows and yelling at me ("Hi, Mara!!!" "How are you doing today?" "Yes, I'm fine, thanks for asking!"). I've never yelled back, I just wave and give a thumbs up (to which they yell "ohhh-kaaay!!!" This is one of the pictures I snapped of some of the boys- I'm sorry I have bars on my windows- I guess they don't want me to fall out!

Happiness ^^

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